Tuesday, October 30, 2007

"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves." -Carl Gustav Jung

today i got really mad. furious actually. it was something i was writing about at work. i can't go into detail but what made me upset is that it happened HERE. where i live. even after getting this job and realizing there is more crime here than i knew before. but this person had done the same thing over and over and had no remorse at all. luckily i finished typing and reviewing it right before lunch and then i could leave and clear my head (for a 1/2 hour) which wasn't long enough 'cause i was still really upset when i got back. so i went and vented to nat. and then she vented to me and we were both in a bad mood. but then i reminded her that she has tomorrow off. and she reminded me that i get off early tomorrow.

i got a wedding invitation from my old fhe bro, brad. they are so cute! and i was sad because their reception is 3 days after i leave and it is close enough to go to. :(
and ashley's in in december.
and ryan's is in december.
and another friend in february and one in april.
and more friends getting engaged all over the place.
im not going to say it. im not going to say it!

moving on...
linda gave me halloween socks tonight!
i found my car charger for my cell phone.
the fern's park rebuild starts tomorrow! but i can't go tomorrow. im going to the optometrist. but i plan to go sometime thurs-sat. and i will have some documentation!
oh, and we had to turn in stats for the last two weeks and nat came to me afterwards and told me that in the last 2 weeks i had typed 19 more reports than the other 2 secretaries. k, i know that might be unnecessary spotlight attention (even though this is MY blog) but lately i feel like i have been slacking off some-prob 'cause i have endofjobitis, but i am still trying but sometimes i feel like i just can't. like when there is a homework assignment that has to be done and you know you need to do it but its close to the end of semester and its spring almost summer when no one feels like doing work? (okay, the season is off, but same feeling). so that was good to hear. and there are no feelings of competition at all. far from it, so thats not the reason i write it either. it just made me happy.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

i wear a 38 in European shoes. a 37 is a little snug...darn wide feet.

i HATE ants with a passion!!!

moving stinks.

i love autumn.

i am trying to figure out what color would be good for a wall upstairs. 1 wall. and no green. no red. we are thinking a shade of tan. this is a busy landing so as boring/normal as tan sounds, i think it might be the way to go. plus, with all the redness of Coke, the tan won't overpower the red.
stay tuned. it is being painted today (not by me though! teehee!)

Yes, I am currently a walking time bomb, or merely just a totally stressed out nervous wreck.

on a happier note, i met up with fran after her show at the opera house tonight (the music man) and we went to applebee's. i love talking to her, and she is great and i love it when we can hang out. it was great fun. and good conversations. we both agree we need "our girls" or "our girl time," which has been lacking because a lot of the girls we used to hang out with moved away at the end of summer/start of fall. so it was extra good to get together.
we are going to the corn maze monday. and if you want to go let me know! we are trying to get some people together. but it is monday night aka fhe, but its our own made up fhe! and i can even bring treats.
anyways, it was a good ending to a stressed out and everything else day (see the title of this post). and now im going to bed. and i get to sleep in! and tomorrow is going to be a busy day cause im going to move all my stuff to my new storage unit. joy and joyness :/

something that works: when N told me to make a list, i told her i had, but i felt like i still wasn't getting anything accomplished that i could cross off my list. or even some days like i was going through the day not really accomplishing anything, even for as busy as i was. she said when i get to that point, make a list of everything i have already done that day and then after i have made the list, cross all the items off, showing myself that the day has not all gone to the willies of the world and that i have been productive.

Friday, October 26, 2007

"Developing human relationships will take you much farther in life and give you a much stronger base of self-identity than defining yourself by your talents or interests. "

Thursday, October 25, 2007


i took some pics tonight at emily's house...she had a get together to hang out and play games and stuff. she goes into the MTC october 31st! k, one pic is the nice smiles and all that, and then i have to have a silly picture. so lindsey and i switched places so we could get both kinds with both our cameras. haha!
she is going to be an awesome and wonderful missionary. AND our missions are neighbors...she is going to be in slc south and im in slc!

okay i just tried to add some more but they wouldn't upload. blah. i will try again tomorrow.
i am really craving someone to hear someone play the guitar in person right now. i have been all day. today was a crazy day at work. but it was good. there was a LOT of laughing in it. those make good work days.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

There is no way. So you keep on eating those delicious things. That's right, eat all you want darling

so, its reading things like the following that just make my day ...

B: "His one eyed one legged, hunched backed cancer ridden girlfriend was named Lucky."

J: "Whaa whaa whaa - whatever."

okay maybe you had to be there.

but that got me to thinking about funny quotes, and in particular Jack Handy! he is hillarious!
his site is :
but i also really like this site 'cause it has a ton of quotes too:

my absolute favorite is this one. i dont know why but i laughed so much my stomach started hurting. 2 roommates + 5 jack handy books+ 1 late night = 1 freakin hillarious night!

"If I was being executed by injection, I'd clean up my cell real neat. Then, when they came to get me, I'd say, "Injection? I thought you said inspection'." They'd probably feel real bad, and maybe I could get out of it."

and some others just for kicks and giggles...

“If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them.”

"I wish I would have a real tragic love affair and get so bummed out that I'd just quit my job and become a bum for a few years, because I was thinking about doing that anyway. "

"If you go flying back through time, and you see somebody else flying forward into the future, it's probably best to avoid eye contact. "

"You know something that would really make me applaud? A guy gets stuck in quicksand, then sinks, then suddenly comes shooting out, riding on water skis! How do they do that?! "

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

i think i need a planner. and i am making another list. gotta love those. i am not really a list maker. however, if there was ever a time for lists it is now.
work is good. i have the best supervisor ever. i feel so lucky to have her (esp compared to my previous). she comes to my rescue. being at work the majority of the daylight hours, it makes a huge difference to have someone who listens, calms me down when i burst into her office freaking out or listens again (and laughs sometimes) when i need to vent about something (work or non work related). she works with me, and when something comes up she is flexible and takes stuff in stride (as well as stressing out occasionally, but that gives me an opportunity to help her so even though i dont like her to stress either, im glad it can work both ways).
i have been trying to figure out my whole schedule for work and when i am leaving and looking at my options and all that.
i got some mission clothes. i went shopping with betty on saturday and we got some good stuff. she is determined that i have "cute" missionary clothes-not the frumpy stuff you sometimes see on sisters. it was good to go with her 'cause she could tell me what stuff would be okay and what stuff i wouldn't be able to wear, and i got honest opinions from her. i went with linda in the afternoon and got a couple things. i pretty much just need boots, another good pair of shoes (brown) and a heavy coat, for the main clothing items. both of which i'll probably end up getting in utah or idaho before i go.
and i got to see kokob today!! happy day! we met up at starbucks before work, and then after work we met up again with some of her old co-workers (again at starbucks) and it was so great to see her again. gosh i miss that girl! we had FUN times!
i need to get a pair of shoes out of my storage unit. for the third day in a row.
i need to be "well versed" in the temple handbook- do you know how much that stresses me out?? do i have to have sections memorized? be able to quote it? will i be quizzed about what quote is on what page? how many sections the handbook has? this is where i stop thinking and just start reading it-again. my interview is on sunday.
i saw transformers on saturday. for all the hype it got i wasn't as impressed as i thought i would be. a couple things bothered me about it. i also watched the first half of with about 15 people carrying on 4 different conversations.
i really want to do something fun for halloween. so far i have heard about a party in vacaville this weekend. but nothing for next week. halloween is on a wednesday anyways, so that puts a damper on things. i am going to the optometrist that day. ha, what a party that will be!
as for other stuff happening in my transferring my records back to my family ward <3 so i will start going there this sunday or the next. i wrote about work. im going to idaho for thanksgiving. i miss my friends and family and wish i could see them all before i leave! i will get to see some of them. and i have gotten to see more of them over the past couple months, for which i feel very lucky to have been able to do.
and i guess overall even though im excited to go on a mission i have also been very overwhelmed and stressed about it. today was a good day in that i got some advice i really needed.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

i got my mission call! i'm going to salt lake city spanish speaking.
it is not slc north, south, or temple square (as i have been asked).
my area covers part of utah, some of wyoming, and a little bit of nevada.
i report to the mtc on november 28th.
i'll be there for 3 months learning spanish before i go to my area.
i'll write more on this later, i only have a few minutes, but i just wanted to let
anyone knows who checks my blog where and when im going. :D

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

i should write about conference weekend. i want to. but i wrote 14 pages in a notebook front and back about my weekend in utah so im all written out. (it was a loong layover. some "big wig"-according to an airline worker- disrupted all the flights coming in and out of the airport and backed everything up).
my sister's blog has pictures (i took one) and a summary of what happened...although i mainly went on to see her pics, so as for accuracy, idk. jk! im sure she did a great job and will be able to say that with confidence once i read it ;D
it was great though. just what i needed. until the next mini vacation. which might be short or long, depending. everything is still up in the air.
i am going to 2 wedding receptions this weekend!
i went to ikea yesterday with linda and i am not going there again for a LONG time. linda got a bookcase which may end up being more trouble than its worth. haha. well not haha. if she has to return it im afraid im not going back with her.
i made dinner tonight.
its going to rain.
i got to talk with a really good person today and it was great and gave me some new perspectives and things to think about.
as for highlights from conference weekend:
(oh, i drove down with jake, russ, and jill and then flew back on sunday)

*first of all, seeing kokob (before we left) and getting starbucks and catching up. she also took jake and i to the airport to get the gmc we rented for the drive. she was a lifesaver!

*oh, and nat for letting me get off work a couple hours early! i was stressing and was going on 3 hours of sleep from the night before and 2 energy drinks. and had a ton of work left to do before i could leave.

*driving down went a lot faster (i think its 'cause i got to sleep this time haha. but it ended up being just 9 hours). we got some snow going through the mountains in ca, but after that we were good. that night it snowed 6 inches! so we definitely made a good choice to leave earlier rather than later.

*general conf itself and being in the conf center for 2 session (both on saturday) and being with the best people watching it sunday morning :D loved it. took some good notes. will have to read the rest of sunday afternoon 'cause i missed part of that session.

*seeing everyone i saw (i would name names but i think i would leave people out) and got to hang out, spend time, and talk with. that was seriously what i really needed 'cause i have missed everyone SO much and i loved it. johnny. and stace, brian, carissa, alice, jake, kokob, kristen...okay i wasn't going to do this so i'll stop. i didn't get to see camille though :(

*and i got to meet some great people as well. friends of friends mostly.

*i got to see that stace was not malnourished (because i haven't been in az cooking dinner occasionally) so either she has been 1. eating a lot of ramen (but she isn't white like the noodles), 2. bribing her roommates to cook for her (or maybe they are taking pity on her) or 3. she might actually be cooking some food! teeheehee. -sorry stace if you read this. i had to throw that in ;D

*there were some hilarious stories at the mission reunion and just in general. omgosh i laughed so much. plus randomness, like brian sitting on my feet!

*the ride to red robin w/ teresa, that was a really good conversation for me. and she likes quietdrive and has the rocket summer + more so that was cool.

*listening to motab in person. they sound amazing. and the young women choir for the saturday afternoon session sounded great as well.

*driving to provo and seeing carissa (she gets an extra 'cause we went to provo to see her) and tasting her homemade french onion soup, which was delish btw.


*playing the grand piano. i now have 2 songs (one to learn and one to improve on). i want one of those-a grand piano. or a baby grand.

*waffles for breakfast sunday morning (thanks to brian's mom, who is wonderful. plus for letting us stay at their house).

*going to the london market. my irn bru had to go to az with stace since i couldn't take it on the plane since i wasn't checking my bag. i did bring a boost bar and that seriously saved my life as i sat in the airport.

*sleeping & naps :D or semi naps. all of the three and everything in between.

* more...oh! does every mission have a mission song? not just a hymn they like but one reworded specifically for their mission? curious. 'cause the oregon portland mission does and they sang it at their reunion.

it was coold there. no snow though. there was rain on saturday.

also, does the church use a specific airline to fly general authorities and missionaries etc from place to place, or do they just look for the best deal out there at the time?

Thursday, October 4, 2007

i leave to go to utah TODAY! (seeing that its 1:13 A.M.)

i just need to get away from this place for a few days.

Monday, October 1, 2007

i was looking at my pictures from the last utah roadtrip i took and on the way back there i took a picture of this (above). and i got to wondering...who made it and why there?

besides that, i just want to say that it was a good day overall.
i am working on a bad habit.
what it is: trying on clothes and not hanging them back up right away. yes, being a girl i try on multiple outfits ;D
growing up this wasn't a problem (my parents taught me well)
semesters at school varied, but over all i was pretty neat.
lately though, i've slacked off. i think its been in the last year or so, 'cause my apartment walk in closet (the half that i had) would pile up with clothes, all just waiting to be hung back up after i'd tried things on.
but i got into the mindset of it was a pain to hang them back up, or i was a hurry to get somewhere (very true!), or i'd just think, "i'll do it later," and then in the "later" i'd be looking for that shirt that i want to wear...yeah, something had to change.
so i changed (somewhat. this is still an in-process goal)
its so much easier to see what i have when they are hung up.
plus it is neater and i like that too.
and its just a good habit to be in.

i should have a before and after pic... but this is an after. (my clothes dont have so much breathing room haha... looking at this pic. thats 'cause i have two hanging storage compartment things on either side-not included in the pic).

its funny that sometimes when i have so much i could write about, i end up writing about hanging up my clothes.

no mission call today.
i get off in 1/2 an hour.
happy day.
i cant wait.
thank goodness for ipods.
paying bills stinks.
sleeping in is great. i had 2 days and they were both wonderful.
i have a survival calendar on my desk. today's tip could have worked for a past job (at gemini)...except #6 would take a long time because we'd often go at night to label product.

How to Escape if Trapped in a Walk-In Freezer

1. tap everal times on the door to get someone's attention. (okay, i would be banging on that door! who is going to hear a tap!)

2. check the door and lock area. by law, all walk-in freezers must have an emergency release switch on the interior.

3. locate a power switch. some units may have an accessible on/off switch. turn off the cooling element. (no, im going to leave it on and see how much cold i can stand).

4. Locate boxes. tear carboard boxes apart and spread them on the floor.

5. look for insulating materials. lie down on the cardboard and cover yourself with paper, foam, or straw to preserve body heat

6. tap (bang) on the door every 16 mintues until help arrives.